Discover with us the 10 most beautiful and famous churches to visit during a holiday in Venice

Venice doesn't need any presentation, it is simply the most romantic and beautiful city in the world: with its canals cruised by the traditional Venetian boats called gondole, its squares where princesses and kings had strolled into and its monumental Palaces decorated with masterpieces made by the most famous artists.

Venice is also renowned for its beautiful churches, unique in the world and heritage of the historical role that Venice played in the past as a bridge between East and West. Indeed, thanks to its peculiar architecture which is the result of more than 15 centuries of history, Venice owns a unique building style: most of the buildings follow the Venetian Gothic style, a mix of the Byzantine and Ottoman influence with the traditional Gothic lines. However, there are also buildings and churches made in Renaissance and Italian Baroque style.

From the famous Saint Mark Cathedral to the Armenian churches with their specific rituals and liturgy, follow our thematic guide about the most 10 beautiful churches to visit during a holiday in Venice.

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The 10 most beautiful and famous churches in Venice

The 10 most beautiful and famous churches in Venice

Known in the world for its historical Carnival, the international Film Festival, La Biennale exhibition and overall for its peculiarity to be a city built on a group of more than 100 small islands protected by a lagoon, Venice has so many reason to be visited at least once in the life. With the majestic Saint Mark square and its cathedral, the Doge's palace and the many stunning museums such as the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, it is difficult to visit its wonderful highlights in only one trip. Taking into account the tens of historical churches built during its long history, here you will find our thematic guide about the most beautiful and famous churches in Venice our thematic guide about the most beautiful and famous churches in Venice, many of which represent wonderful masterpieces made by famous international artists

Many of the churches described in this guide are included in the Venice Pass, the tourist pass which helps you to discover Venice easily with free entries, skip the line and unlimited travel with public transport, an unmissable travel mate conceived to discover the most stunning attractions of Venice.

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10. Saint Mark Cathedral

Saint Mark Cathedral

It is the most important and stunning church in Venice as well as one of the most famous in the world, the Patriarchal Cathedral Basilica of Saint Mark, better known as Saint Mark Cathedral. With its five iconic domes and its bell tower, it surely deserves a visit for its unique architecture and for the breathtaking treasures kept inside like the Pala d'Oro (the altarpiece). Built using different architecture styles, Byzantine, Islamic and Gothic, the church has a Greek cross plan, it is decorated with gold mosaics and it represents the essence of Venice as a bridge city between East and West. From the top of the bell tower, 99 meters height, it is possible to admire a stunning view of the Venice lagoon and every year it is the location of the flight of the Angel which marks the beginning of the Venice Carnival celebration.   

Skip the line to visit the bell tower

9. Saint Alvise church

Saint Alvise church

The church, dedicated to Saint Louis of Toulouse and known in Venice as Saint Alvise, is a religious building of the XIV century and is located in the sestiere of Cannaregio. Its medieval facade made with mere bricks doesn't reflect the magnificent decors of the interiors. The ceiling, entirely decorated by Torri and Ricci in the XVIII century, surprises visitors and local who can also admire the three large artworks, made by Gian Battista Tiepolo, which represent the Passion of Jesus Christ.

8. Saint Mary of the Miracles

Called the marble church because of its stunning facade covered by policrome marble, the church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli is located in the sestiere of Cannaregio in Venice. Designed and decorated by Pietro Lombardo and his sons in the XV century, this small church represents a great example of the Venetian Renaissance with two different facades: one made with wonderful cluster and rose windows and the other one with a big dome. Inside the church, decorated with a ornamental marble stair and with a coffered ceiling, it is visible the miracle imagine of the Virgin and Child.

7. Saint Polo church

Built in the smallest sestiere of Venice called San Polo, the homonyms church is a small religious building of the XV century, with a simple Gothic facade and a bell tower, which was incorporated by other buildings realized afterwards. The interior of the church of San Polo hosts three wonderful paintings made by some of the most famous Italian artists: The last supper by Jacopo Tintoretto, The marriage of the Virgin by Paolo Veronese and the Glory of Angels and Resurrection by Giandomenico Tiepolo.

Explore Saint Polo church

6. Saint Mary of Health church

Saint Mary of Health church

Located in a stunning position - at the entrance of Venice lagoon and the Canal Grande - the church of Santa Maria della Salute, better known as la Salute (the Health), is one of the most famous churches of Venice. With a white double dome and the staircase which seems to end directly in the water, the church is one of the most important religious building made by the architect Longhena and it represents a great model of Venetian baroque architecture. Santa Maria della Salute is also one of the most important churches for Venetian citizens since it was built after the great plauge that struck the city in the XVII century.

5. Church of the most Holy Redeemer

Church of the most Holy Redeemer

It is the most relevant church of Giudecca island and with its great dome designs the skyline of the whole island, the church of the Most Holy Redeemer, known as the Redeemer (il Redentore) by Venetian people, is a Renaissance masterpiece made by Palladio in the XVI century. The church is located in front of the Giudecca canal and its facade was made by Francesco della Vigna; the interiors were decorated by renowned artists such as Tintoretto, Veronese and Bassano. Also the Redeemer church was built as a vote for the plague which affected the city in the XVI century.

Explore the Giudecca island

4. Saint Peter of Castello Cathedral

Located in the largest sestiere of Venice, the Saint Peter of Castello church is one of the most ancient church of the city, rebuilt several times during its history. The current church is the result of many works and restorations and was built from the original designs made by Palladio in the XVI century. Seat of Patriarch of Venice until the XVIII century, Saint Peter of Castello church hosts inside the chair of Saint Peter which, according to a legend, was used by the Apostle during his life in Antiochia. Legend apart, its back was made using an Islamic funerary stele with Arabic decorations and verses of the Quran.

Discover sestiere of Castello with Venice Pass

3. Saint Lazarus of the Armenians

Built in a small island in front of the Venice's Lido, Saint Lazarus of the Armenians church is a religious building of the Armenians Catholic congregation since the XVIII century. The entire island is occupied by the church while the monastery, inhabited by the Mekhitarist monks, hosts a library with more than 10.000 ancient books and manuscripts. The Saint Lazarus church, restored several times in the past, owes its current shape to the works made until the XVIII century. The island and the church have been dedicated to Saint Lazarus, the patron saint of lepers, because of the role played by this small island in the past as a leper hospital during the Middle Age.

2. Saint George of the Greek' church

It is the most important Orthodox church of Venice one of the sign of the role played in the past by Venice as a bridge between East and West, Saint George of the Greek' is a monumental church built in sestiere of Castello after the Greek diaspora of the XV century. The exterior, featured by a great dome and a bell tower built in the XV century, is the result of a project made by Sante Lombardo; the interior is decorated by orthodox iconostasi made by two of the most important Greek iconographers, Damaskinos and Tzanes-Bounialis. The walls of the dome were instead painted by John the Cypriot under the supervision of the famous Venetian painter Tintoretto.

1. Saint John and Paul Cathedral

It is one of the largest church in the city, known by Venetians as San Zanipolo, the Saint John and Paul Cathedral is a Gothic style church built in the XV century and located in the sestiere of Castello. Elected as the burial palace of the doges (the chief governors of the city) the facade is made of pimple red bricks and the interior are decorated by several masterpieces such as The Assumption painted by Paolo Veronese and The Saint Vincent Ferrer altarpiece by Giovanni Bellini. The Saint John and Paul cathedral also hosts the Madonna of Peace, a miraculous byzantine imagine, and a relic of Saint Catherine of Siena.

10 beautiful and famous churches of Venice: choose your favorite

10 beautiful and famous churches of Venice: choose your favorite

From the Giudecca island to Venice lido, from the smallest sestiere to the magnificent of Canal Grande, don't miss the chance to travel to Venice to visit the most beautiful and iconic churches of the city, so to discover beautiful masterpieces, incredible architectures and important stories and legends of the most romantic and wonderful city in the world, Venice.

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