Immerse yourself in a unique experience, on the route of the gastronomic treasure of Emilia Romagna: the iconic Parmigiano Reggiano.
Milk, salt and rennet. These three ingredients - as absolute as they are essential, as simple as they are basic - make up the recipe for an unrepeatable Italian gastronomic marvel: we are talking about Parmigiano Reggiano, also known as the "King of Cheeses".
The white gold of Emilia Romagna has embraced countless palates since time immemorial; it has imprinted itself in collective memories, generating a recognizable and timeless flavor.
Its power has been celebrated since the Middle Ages; its qualities, which permeate into a defined and unforgettable taste, are celebrated in ancient and modern texts.
Parmigiano Reggiano comes to mind when you want to describe the intense flavor of Italianness. You turn, with your mind, to Parmigiano Reggiano when you want to savor a food that stings the palate, that leaves it ecstatic.
The "King of Cheeses" is without a doubt the Italian flavor par excellence; for this reason, there are numerous tours and attractions, projects and tourist initiatives that are based on it and of which Parmigiano Reggiano is the subject.
Uncontaminated and authentic, its form permeates our consciences, and our dreams - to smooth out a taste that will not abandon our memories.
Discover more about the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium❯
Parmigiano Reggiano: a thousand-year-old tradition that runs through Emilia Romagna

Parmigiano Reggiano is a product of the highest quality that represents the excellence of the Italian dairy tradition. This tradition, which has been postponed as is and an end in itself for ages, makes this cheese unique. From a completely natural process, I hide forms that have the flavor of happiness and family.
This aged cheese, with its grainy consistency and unmistakable flavor, is the result of centuries of continuous improvement and delicate dedication.
But behind every form of Parmigiano Reggiano there is a fascinating story made of craftsmanship and passion, which can be discovered by visiting the dairies that produce it.
The Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium seeks to protect the immense history of the successful and grainy cheese of Emilia Romagna: this tradition is rooted in a now distant past. The smell of raw milk still lingers among the Consortium's dairies, reminding us of the value of the roots - from the fodder to the wooden pallets on which the maturing forms are placed.
The history of the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium begins in the Middle Ages, when Benedictine and Cistercian monks developed the cheese in the plains of Parma and Reggio Emilia. In 1934, the Consortium was founded to protect the quality and authenticity of Parmigiano Reggiano, establishing rigorous production rules. Today, the Consortium continues to ensure respect for these centuries-old traditions, defending the brand and promoting the cheese throughout the world.
For this reason, today, there are more and more itineraries proposed by breeders and dairies inside their production plants, from which the milk destined for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano leaves.
In this article, we will explore the territory that hosts these precious companies, the visit experiences they offer and the history of the brand that has conquered the world, making itself recognizable and unforgettable.
Forms of love: the indissoluble bond between Parmigiano and its territory

Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena and Mantua and Bologna: Parmigiano Reggiano is produced over an area of ten thousand square kilometers. In a small area of Emilia-Romagna, which includes the territories bathed by the two rivers Po and Reno, this white gold is produced that stands out on our tables and rains down on our steaming plates of pasta.
This territory, characterized by rolling hills and fertile plains, offers ideal conditions for raising livestock and for the production of the highly prized cheese.
The cows that produce the milk for Parmigiano Reggiano feed on fresh, high-quality fodder. The vegetable feed that the cows eat gives the cheese its milky flavor. Corn, barley and wheat - coming from the same farms and places of production - give the cheese unexpected and sweet aftertastes - therefore unrepeatable.
This is why the King of Cheeses has its own unique and distinctive flavor.
The production process is strictly regulated and requires a minimum maturation of 12 months, during which the cheese forms develop their characteristic aromatic profile and grainy texture.
The harmony between the territory and the product is evident in every bite, which reflects the richness and purity of the Emilian landscape.
Since the Middle Ages, these forms of love were shaped to be preserved and exported: this has made this very rich food so famous throughout the world.
So imitated, Parmigiano Reggiano dresses itself in its land of origin: for this reason it cannot be repeated in any way.
The richness of its traditional recipe is well reflected in the properties that accompany it: it is digestible, rich in calcium, a source of phosphorus and free of additives and preservatives. Furthermore, its being naturally lactose-free makes it a fundamental element and accessible to all.
Visit the dairies of the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium❯In the footsteps of tradition: the itineraries of Parmigiano Reggiano

The dairies that produce Parmigiano Reggiano are temples of the cheesemaking tradition. Many of them offer guided tours and tasting itineraries to introduce the public to the process of making and producing the magical wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano.
Immersed in the scent of herbs and fresh fodder, our visitors discover the production chain of our Parmigiano, remaining ecstatic.
These incredible tours often begin with an overview of the history and production techniques of the cheese; this is followed by visits to the premises where the milk is transformed into cheese. All this takes place in a pleasant setting, which has the smell of authenticity and of the wooden benches on which the wheels of the King of Cheeses rest, in their maturing process.
Visitors can observe the curdling process, the processing of the curd and the formation of the large wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano, which are then aged in specially designed cellars.
Some dairies also offer tastings; here you can taste different maturations and discover the nuances of flavor that characterize each form. In fact, each maturation is characterized by its own very personal flavor profile.
In addition, many dairies have spaces dedicated to the sale of local products and souvenirs; visitors can take home a piece of this immense culinary tradition.
An authentic experience in the heart of the parmesan grains of Emilia Romagna

Parmigiano Reggiano has a history that dates back to the Middle Ages.
The “Parmigiano Reggiano” brand is protected by a strict system of protected designation of origin (DOP), which guarantees the quality and authenticity of the product, which respects and safeguards the bond with a territory.
The Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium, founded in 1934, is directly responsible for the protection and promotion of the cheese, ensuring that every wheel produced meets the high standards established.
A visit to the Parmigiano Reggiano dairies is not only an opportunity to discover the production process of an extraordinary cheese; curious taste travelers can immerse themselves in a tradition that continues to fascinate and delight the entire world.
If you want to live a unique and authentic experience in the heart of Emilia Romagna, do not miss the opportunity to explore the production itineraries of the white gold, Parmigiano Reggiano.