All the traditional Italian winter food you should taste during this season is in our guide here. Check it out. 

Italian cuisine and italian food are famous all over the world. Talking about "good food" means talking about Italy and its recipes, from north to south, from pasta and soup to fish, meat and desserts.

Since each season offers particular delicacies to be discovered, if you have chosen Italy as your winter destination, we have a few tips for you.

Here is the traditional Italian Winter food to taste this season, selected region by region

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20. Traditional Italian Winter food: let's start with Trentino Alto Adige

strudel of trentino

Regional typical dessert

Every year, Trentino Aldo Adige attracts tourists from all over Europe thanks to its snow-capped peaks and breathtaking winter landscapes.

How to complete a perfect day between ski slopes and excursions in the woods? With an excellent hot dish served in the typical mountain huts.

If you visit Trentino Alto Adige you have to try the casunziei, crescent-shaped ravioli stuffed with pumpkin, spinach, beetroot (the fillings vary according to the valley).

Are you a sweets-lover? Together with a delicious hot chocolate (or grappa) you must taste the apple strudel: it will restore you after a day in the snow.

19. What to eat in Italy in winter? The dishes of Valle d'Aosta

White week in Valle d'Aosta? Among the typical dishes of the region there are the Chnéffléne typical dumplings of Gressoney-Saint-Jean, a place near Monte Rosa.

It is a kind of pasta made by a special grater, made up of flour, eggs, milk, salt. Then it is cooked and served covered with fondue.

18. Piedmont Bagna Cauda, queen of traditional Italian winter food

bagna cauda of piedmont

One of the typical dishes of Piedmont

"Hot sauce": this is the literal meaning of Bagna Cauda, ​​the symbolic dish of Piedmont. A sauce based on anchovies and garlic cooked in extra virgin olive oil served on typical earthenware stoves that maintain the heat, accompanied by raw and cooked vegetables. Convivial dish that brings together families and groups of friend

17. Lombard cassoeula

casseoula of lombardia

Typical dishe of Lombardia

Lombardy has a very important culinary tradition: among the typical dishes of the winter season there is certainly the cassoeula, a single dish, made with pork to flavor the cabbage leaves, a basic element of the poor winter diet of the region. Among the variations of this recipe there is that of Novarese with the use of goose meat and that with the addition of sausage typical of Varesotto.

Have you chosen Veneto as the destination for a winter trip to Italy? You have to taste a typical dish of the city of Vicenza: baccalà alla Vicentina with polenta. It consist's of stockfish, milk, onions and cheese. It is often accompanied by the typical polenta.

Another great classic of Venetian winter cuisine is liver alla veneziana, consisting of only two ingredients, liver (pork but also veal) with onions, strictly white, thinly sliced ​​and cooked together with the meat.

15. Friuli Venezia Giulia: a brandy doc

grappa of Friuli

Warm up with a good glass of Friulian grappa

Friuli Venezia Giulia is a region full of  traditional winter dishes: from bean soup prepared in earthenware pots to Sauris hams, but among the local DOC products there is certainly Friulian grappa and grape brandy: excellent liqueurs to warm up in the winter season.

Liguria, notoriously a region of fantastic seaside resorts, offers landscape and dishes to discover even during the winter season. Among these there is certainly the buridda, a fish-based soup with mushrooms and parsley. There are several variations, all tasty and able to warm the stomach.

13. In Emilia Romagna among broth and meat

passatelli with broth

Those who choose Emilia Romagna as a winter holiday destination will be spoiled for choice among the many recipes that the region offers. Alongside the best-known ones, there are some that you absolutely must try in the winter season.

For example passatelli with broth. This dish owes its name to the particular tool with which the pasta is made, then seasoned with hot meat or fish broth. Particular, then, is the salama da sugo of Ferrarese: to be strictly cooked, served hot with a traditional side dish of mashed potatoes.

12. Italian winter cuisine: the typical dishes of Tuscany


Tuscany: region of artistic charm in every season of the year but in winter, it welcomes tourists and visitors with some delicious dishes. Pride of place for the ribollita, an ancient typical “recovered” dish made with bread (preferably not fresh) and black cabbage together with beans, onions and carrots.

A hot dish that can be considered immediately "home". A dish that can be anticipated by an excellent typical appetizer based on croutons and livers: the Tuscan bread is covered with a chicken liver cream prepared with sautéed onions and vin santo.

Marche has a vast culinary tradition between the hinterland and the coastal area. If you visit this region in winter, you can enjoy an infinite number of dishes made with bread.

Among these, there is the famous "crescia", similar to focaccia or piadina. The most famous versions are those of the province of Pesaro and Urbino. You can find it accompanied by lard but also filled with cheese.

The spread the famous ciauscolo on it, a typical pork salami that has obtained the IGP denomination in the territories of Ancona, Macerata and Ascoli Piceno.

Fans of legumes and pasta will find in Umbria two perfect dishes to enjoy during the winter season.

We are talking about the famous pasta alla Norcina, symbol of the city of Norcia, prepared with pork sausages and fresh sheep's ricotta (sometimes replaced with cooking cream).

The lentil soup of Castelluccio is also very famous: an I.G.P. rich in nutrients and very tasty.

9. Abruzzo: wine and arrosticini

arrosticini of abruzzo

Very famous arrosticini

If you have chosen the Abruzzo Apennines for your winter holidays, you cannot fail to appreciate the typical winter soups made with lentils and chestnuts. A dish whose origin is very ancient, small in size but with a strong and intense flavor, ideal to accompany an excellent glass of Montepulciano red wine.

And even if we know that the next one is a food chosen and appreciated in every season, we cannot fail to mention it: the famous arrosticini, mutton skewers that promise to warm up winter evenings.

Lazio, a region rich in history, traditions, uses and customs to be discovered. If you decide to visit it during the winter season you will be spoiled for choice among the dishes to taste in the typical trattorias of towns and cities.

Among these we offer you the typical winter dish which, perhaps most of all, represents Rome and the entire region: beans with pork rinds. Dish to be enjoyed hot with bread prepared with pork rinds, rind, peeled tomatoes, white beans, lard, garlic and white wine.

Try it in one of the famous Roman trattorias, you won't regret it

The warmth of Campania warms the spirit of all the tourists who choose to visit it in winter and its recipes complete everything.

In fact, in the Avellino area, the granone pizza is very well known, traditionally accompanied by a stew of turnips and potatoes.

Naples? Here you will be spoiled for choice between pasta, potatoes and provola, rice with cabbage and the typical soups such as the one based on beans and escarole and the famous "minestra maritata", whose name derives from the combination of the various ingredients that give perfect results between They. Each area of ​​Campania boasts its own version of this soup but, of course, among the essential ingredients there are black cabbage, chicory and escarole with pork rinds, pins and sausage.

Visiting Molise in winter season above all means letting yourself be inebriated by the aromas of cheeses and cured meats typical of the area such as the Molise "coppa" and the Agnone caciocavallo.

Then there is a close-up that recalls tradition: we are talking about the crioli from Molise whose name derives from the shoe laces that the shepherds used during the winter. They are served with meat sauce or a cod and walnut sauce.

Basilicata is a region to be discovered as well as its culinary tradition. During the winter, and especially during the carnival, the "Rafanata" is served: it takes its name from the horseradish root and is similar to an omelette prepared with eggs and pecorino cheese. This type of omelette often accompanies fish and meat main courses such as the "Cutturidd": a boiled mutton or lamb stewed in a sauce of tomatoes, onion, potatoes, celery and garlic

4. Between salty and sweet in Apulia

Zip Zap

Typical Apulian hot sauce

Who said that Puglia is a region to visit only in summer? Even the winter season offers enchanting landscapes but above all traditional Apulian dishes to be tasted. Let's start from the savory with a typical dish of the poor tradition but rich in taste. We are talking about the so-called "zip zip" peasant dish based on a particular type of tomato and chilli pepper. Prepared during the coldest evenings, it is served hot, accompanied by slices of bread. Craving for dessert?

If you pass through Foggia, try the taralli with cream by the L'ottava meraviglia pastry shop: perfect to accompany coffee or to be enjoyed alone, they combine a traditional Apulian dish, the taralli, with the delicacy of custard. The result is a sweet fruit of mastery and passion

Have you ever heard of Licurdia? Those who know Calabria certainly do: we are talking about a typical dish of the Calabrian tradition, enjoyed in winter. Licurdia is an onion soup typical of the peasant tradition, so much so that it is also considered "the shepherds' breakfast".

If you choose to visit Calabria during the Carnival period, then you will taste the typical Calabrese Chinulille, a crescent-shaped dessert, usually filled with ricotta and then fried but there are other versions filled with fig jam or dried fruit.

Sicily is famous for its not excessively harsh climate even during winter season and is therefore a tourist destination 365 days a year. However, there are some typical dishes that are mostly prepared during the coldest months of the year. An example is the famous "Pasta 'ncasciata", adored by Montalbano, a baked pasta prepared with meat sauce, hard-boiled eggs, aubergines and caciocavallo.

At the end of the meal, try the sfinci, fried balls dipped in sugar which hide nuggets of raisins inside.

During the Carnival period, the land of Sardinia offers a dish based on simple ingredients but full of flavour: the broad bean. A delicious first course from the province of Sassari and Cagliari that brings together pork, Carasau bread and broad beans that are soaked the night before and then cooked. And if you stroll among the pastry shops of the region, you will find waiting for the famous "zippulas", elongated-shaped pancakes scented with orange or lemon peel and covered in sugar.

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