There are at least 5 good reasons to be the first to visit Italy in 2021.

Open my heart and you will see. Graved inside of it, "Italy".

Robert Browning

5 Reasons why Italy is the place to visit in 2021

Italy is Top Destination 2021 according to Travel and Leisure, the famous New York travel magazine published for the first time in 1937 and led by Jacqueline Gifford: it was already announced in November that Italy would be top Destination 2021 with an article signed by Maria Shollenbarger.

“All you have to do, really, is close your eyes, and you’re there. Your specific there might be the Val d’Orcia, where cypresses march in rows across low, undulating hills. Or it might be the vertiginous cliffs of the Amalfi Coast, where pastel-hued villages cascade down to pebble beaches and secret coves. Or perhaps it’s the plains of Puglia, with their thousand-year-old olive trees and frothy Baroque cathedrals."

The article talks about a new Italian "Renaissance". There are five reasons to visit Italy in 2021.

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This is Italy sacred to the Gods.

Plinio il Vecchio

1. Today Italy is an even greener, healthier and cleaner country

1. Today Italy is an even greener, healthier and cleaner country
Today Italy is an even greener, healthier and cleaner country. The sky of the big cities is healthier. The greenest valleys. The cleanest seas.
All the Italian panoramas have been detoxified. They are even more beautiful than before. Already from the first lockdown that Covid forced us to, the ESA confirmed the drop in nitrogen dioxide emissions.
The motorways are free and crossing Italy by car is a pleasure. Trains and buses are also less crowded and moving from one place to another is experience and pleasure.

2. Italy is a safe country, according to Angela Merkel.

2. Italy is a safe country, according to Angela Merkel.

Italy is the first EU country in terms of number of people vaccinated: one million Pfizer vaccines. The vaccine opens the minds to the positive and the return to normal. Limit problems and fears on the move because protected by the vaccine shield. It is one of the countries that has protected its citizens the most with major restrictions.
According to the Dpcm announced on 13 January, the State of Emergency was extended to 30 April 2021. The good news, according to TTG ITALIA is that "Speranza (the minister) also mentions the birth of the so-called 'white zone', territories with low epidemiologicals where museums and entertainment and sports activities will be able to reopen. ". We can remain confident that tourism will resume in this "white" area in a very short time. The Travel Pass will soon be added to this nation's security: Iata, the International Air Transport Association, has announced that an App will be launched that will help travelers plan and organize their travels in a simple and safe way, in line with government requirements for Covid-19 tests or information on vaccines received, and will allow for the reopening of borders and the abolition of mandatory quarantine on international travel.

3. Enjoyability and freedom of movement, thanks to the lack of overcrowding.

3. Enjoyability and freedom of movement, thanks to the lack of overcrowding.
We try to explain what travelers feel in these months. Let's start from Northern Italy and imagine Milan, the Duomo and the Gallery. Let's take a tour, some photos. There are few people, we sit at a bar table without waiting. We are in the open air, there are few noises. We move to the Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano, where we enter a few minutes after arriving to enjoy the vision of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. We conclude with a walk to the Navigli, we stop in a club for a happy hour. It is pleasant because there is not too much confusion. There is still smart working. We take the train and move to Venice where we go for a walk from one canal to another. We stop for a photo on the Bridge of Sighs without taking turns with other tourists. We arrive in Piazza San Marco, we stop to eat a crostino of cod with a glass of good Venetian wine. Let's go shopping for a bit. People are available, they have time to dedicate to us. Still by train we travel from Venice to Florence. On the train a few people spaced. We wander around the city and enter the Uffizi without a queue. Let's take a trip to Siena and get lost in the immensity of Piazza del Campo. Few people, so much emotion at the sight of an immense square that opens up in front of us after walking through the narrow alleys of the historic center. Then it is the turn of Rome where we will experience a special emotion: the Colosseum and the Imperial Forums with the background of "light" traffic. We head south, we pass through Naples where we find a less chaotic historic center and we can visit many monuments without stress from the Royal Palace to the Chapel of San Severo. We stop for a pizza in a famous pizzeria in the center without waiting or booking. Then we take a tour of the islands of Capri, Ischia and Procida by hydrofoil or ferry even if we hadn't planned it. We do not find a queue at the ticket offices. Have you traveled with us for a few minutes? Here we could continue indefinitely with our travel story. We will discover a slow Italy, slower and more livable. We would like to reiterate: even more beautiful.

4. The deeper rediscovery of local, regional and national cultures, traditions and habits

4. The deeper rediscovery of local, regional and national cultures, traditions and habits

In these long months, Italy has renewed itself: stories and cultures have been rediscovered in the homes of Italians that tell of being Italian or belonging to a local culture and which can now be increasingly appreciated locally. The small sandal craftsman has recovered photos and techniques of the past and had the time to tell them to his children and grandchildren. The limoncello producer has transferred his special recipe to the whole family and now everyone is able to make it at home and are ready to tell it. Almost all Italian museums have digitized themselves and thus rediscovered the details of their wealth. Typical dances belonging to local folklore have been rediscovered, they have been shared on social media and now this summer we will see them in the squares. And so on, like a stone thrown into a lake that forms many ever larger concentric circles, Italian traditions and cultures have "extended", have been communicated and have very often become viral.

5. The Italian Hospitality, warmer than ever.

5. The Italian Hospitality, warmer than ever.

Italians are increasingly proud of their country, of its beauties and of “Made in Italy”. They missed the tourists, the travelers, the comparison with other cultures. There is a passage from the Travel and Leisure article that well explains this advantage of being the first to visit Italy in 2021: "But there is also something new in the air: let's call it a deeper appreciation, or renewed among the Italians of the wealth and vastness of their country's heritage ”. Italians can't wait to welcome tourists. Precisely for this deep appreciation, we are sure that the first tourists who will arrive in Italy will love it immediately and will in turn be welcomed and loved by increasingly passionate Italians.

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