Cura Italia
The idea of starting, at the center of this project, is to collect in a single website the data provided daily by the Civil Protection. The data are collected in a clear and easily understandable way and allow you to have a precise overview of the daily trend of infections region by region. A map will allow you to select the region of your interest by accessing the regional and provincial data. In addition to the classic data that we have all learned about the site also provides summary graphs that clearly describe the evolution of the pandemic over time. Born as a project only Italian, the site has recently added a section "World" where you can, in addition to obtaining a global picture of the pandemic, learn about the daily data of each individual state. Parallel to the data, the site, in addition to providing the visitor with the right contacts in case of health need, groups all the latest news and decrees regarding the COVID-19.
Cura Italia❯
The birth of the project
The project "Cura Italia" was born on 20 March 2020 from the idea of Riccardo Borchi. He is a Web Designer/Developer and a few days before the start of the lockdown decides to take the field personally by putting his skills at stake in order to create something useful for the entire community. The success of "Cura Italia" exceeds its wildest expectation, the site in fact collects over 300 thousand visits in the first weeks. "Cura Italia" today, a few months later, is a non-profit project in continuous development, open to the ideas and suggestions of all those who want to collaborate adding value. Let’s see in detail what the project "Cura Italia" consists of.
Diventiamo Immuni

Parallel to this project, Riccardo Borchi, in collaboration with Federico Flecchia launched another initiative called "Diventiamo Immuni". The objective is to make people aware of the use of the application to combat the COVID-19 promoted by the Italian State. Download Immuni allows, through the use of technology, to keep you and those around you safe in case of exposure to contagion. The project "Diventiamo Immuni" aims to reassure people by informing them, inviting them to use this application for the good of all.
Diventiamo Immuni❯Per collaborare:
Anyone who wants to collaborate on the project or give in some way their contribution can write to the email