Campania is full of enchanting villages, each with its own history and charm. Let's discover together the 10 most beautiful villages in Campania!

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Have you ever heard of villages suspended in time, of places where tradition blends with modernity in surprising ways? Campania is full of them. Behind every corner, every glimpse, a story to discover, a hidden treasure to admire. In this article, we reveal the 10 most beautiful villages in Campania, places that will surprise you with their beauty and uniqueness.

Imagine losing yourself in narrow, winding alleys, where the scent of lemons and basil mingles with that of millennial stone.

Imagine admiring breathtaking views that suddenly open up to the blue sea, revealing a crystal-clear sea crashing against jagged cliffs or villages perched on verdant hills.

Imagine savouring the authentic flavours of local Campania cuisine, sitting in a sunny piazzetta, while time seems to stand still. The kindness of the staff, the smiles of yesteryear, the sound of slow life away from the stress of the city.

All this and much more awaits you in the villages of Campania. Hidden jewels, guardians of a priceless artistic and cultural heritage, ready to reveal their beauty to those who know how to appreciate them. The most beautiful villages in Campania are to be found everywhere, from mountainous areas to seaside resorts and villages with historical significance.

On this journey through history, art and nature, discovering the 10 most beautiful villages in Campania, we invite you to be enchanted by their unique atmosphere and enjoy an unforgettable experience.

10. Sant'Agata de' Goti: a jewel set in Sannio

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Sant'Agata de' Goti

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Sant'Agata de' Goti

The ‘pearl of Sannio’, in the heart of the Benevento area, rises majestically on a spur of tufa, offering visitors a breathtaking view of the valley below. The medieval old town is a hidden treasure, a labyrinth of narrow alleys and charming little squares. The houses, built directly into the tuff, come out of the mountain with incredible naturalness, creating a fusion of what nature offers and what man creates.

Strolling through the ancient walls, one breathes in an atmosphere of times gone by, among noble palaces, Romanesque churches and craftsmen's workshops.

Should you decide to visit Sant'Agata de' Goti, you absolutely cannot miss a visit to the cathedral, with its precious treasure and the works of art that adorn it. Sant'Agata de' Goti is a village that enchants for its millenary history and wild beauty, one of the 10 most beautiful villages in Campania.

9. The flavours and colours of Nusco: an authentic experience

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Nusco

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Nusco

Nusco is a village pulsating with life and traditions. With its elevated position, it offers a breathtaking view of the valley below, which is why it is nicknamed the balcony over Irpinia. 

In addition to its artistic and architectural heritage, Nusco is renowned for its lively festivals and popular traditions that have been handed down for generations. The Festa di San Rocco, the town's patron saint, is an unmissable event that attracts the faithful from all over the region. Parades, processions and folklore shows enliven the village streets, creating a unique atmosphere.

Nusco is famous for its wine production and festivals dedicated to local products, such as the chestnut festival, held in autumn, when the village is tinged with warm autumn colours.

8. Zungoli: the Norman citadel, the Sagra del Tondino

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Zungoli

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Zungoli

Zungoli is a jewel set in the hills of Campania, a medieval village that enchants with its ancient charm and the beauty of the surrounding landscape. With just over 1,000 inhabitants, Zungoli is a village in the province of Avellino, considered among the 10 most beautiful villages in Campania and among the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Zungoli is one of five towns in Campania to have received the ‘orange flag’. a qualitative recognition in the field of tourism and environment awarded by the Italian Touring Club.
The historic centre of Zungoli is a real labyrinth of narrow alleys, stone houses, arches and portals, a real leap into the past. The Norman castle, which dominates the village, is a symbol of this glorious past and offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Ufita valley.
Besides the castle, Zungoli is home to several churches of historical and artistic interest, such as the Church of San Nicola and the Church of San Rocco.
Activities to do in Zungoli include trekking. The surroundings of Zungoli offer numerous paths for excursions and trekking, immersed in unspoilt nature;
Visiting oil mills: Zungoli is famous for its production of extra virgin olive oil. It is possible to visit some oil mills and discover the oil production process;
Participate in tastings: Don't miss the opportunity to taste typical local products, such as caciocavallo podolico cheese, cold cuts and wine;
Participate in local festivals: Various festivals and celebrations are organised throughout the year, such as the Sagra del Tondino, offering the opportunity to immerse oneself in local culture and traditions.

7. Montesarchio: the beating heart of the Caudina Valley

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Montesarchio

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Montesarchio

Montesarchio is a municipality in the province of Benevento. It is a village that has its roots in a distant past, preserving a millenary history in its alleys and monuments, which is why it is one of the 10 most beautiful villages in Campania. Located on the slopes of Mount Taburno, it offers visitors an authentic experience.

The origins of Montesarchio date back to antiquity, when it was known as Caudium. It was an important Samnite centre and was the scene of the famous ‘forca caudine’, an ambush that the Samnites laid against the Romans. With the arrival of the Lombards, the village moved from the plains to the hills, assuming the appearance it retains today.

The medieval castle of Montesarchio is the symbol of the town, offering a breathtaking panoramic view over the valley. The imposing walls and towers tell stories of ancient battles and dominations, while inside the castle, frescoes and decorations testify to the town's glorious past. In addition to the castle, the historical centre preserves noble palaces, churches and narrow alleys that invite you to get lost in the medieval atmosphere.

Throughout the year, festivals dedicated to typical local products such as porcini mushrooms, chestnuts, truffles and wines are organised in Montesarchio and neighbouring towns. These events are the perfect opportunity to taste the authentic flavours of Sannio.

Giorni al Borgo, for example, is an event held every year that involves the entire village. For several days, the streets of Montesarchio come alive with food and wine stands offering local specialities, craft exhibitions, art exhibitions and concerts. It is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in local culture and tradition.

6.The medieval village of Cusano Mutri and the porcini mushroom festival

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Cusano Mutri

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Cusano Mutri

Who does not know the beautiful village of Cusano Mutri, thanks and above all to the world-famous Porcino Mushroom Festival, held every year in the period from mid-September to the end of October. This is one of the most important and popular festivals in Campania, which welcomes thousands of visitors every year, making the village of Cusano Mutri a big party.

Cusano Mutri, surrounded by unspoilt nature, is a village that fascinates with its tranquillity and spirituality. The Benedictine abbey of San Clemente, founded in the 9th century, is one of the most important monuments in the region. The church, with its imposing bell tower and cloister, is a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture. The historical centre, with its stone houses and cobbled streets, retains a medieval atmosphere.

Cusano Mutri is also an excellent starting point for exploring the Matese Regional Park. Well-marked paths lead to forests, lakes and waterfalls, offering nature lovers the possibility of trekking, mountain biking and horse riding.

Cusano Mutri is one of the 10 most beautiful villages in Campania, an ideal destination for those who wish to immerse themselves in an authentic atmosphere and relax in contact with nature.

5. Caiazzo: a bridge between past and present

Il meraviglioso borgo di Caiazzo, situato in provincia di Caserta, è situato su una collina che domina la valle del Volturno. Caiazzo è un borgo ricco di storia, cultura e tradizione. Il centro storico, con le sue chiese, i palazzi nobiliari e le botteghe artigiane, conserva intatte le tracce del suo passato.

La Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, con il suo imponente campanile, è un capolavoro di architettura romanica. Il Museo archeologico nazionale, invece, ospita reperti che testimoniano la lunga storia della città. La festa di Sant'Antonio Abate, patrono della città, è uno degli eventi più sentiti, con processioni, falò e spettacoli popolari.

Caiazzo è una città profondamente legata alle sue tradizioni. Tra gli eventi più importanti ci sono:

Sagra del Torrone: Ogni anno a dicembre Caiazzo celebra la produzione del torrone, dolce tipico natalizio;

La Sagra della Salsiccia: In primavera, questa sagra è dedicata alla salsiccia, prodotto locale di alta qualità.

Una delle cose che rende famoso il paese di Caiazzo è la presenza della Pizzeria Pepe In Grani, che da anni  vince il premio "Miglior Pizza al Mondo" e che rimane tuttora una delle migliori pizzerie al mondo.

4. Casertavecchia: a hidden jewel at the foot of the Tifatini Mountains

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Casertavecchia

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Casertavecchia

Casertavecchia, a name that evokes medieval atmospheres and breathtaking views, is a village that deserves to be discovered, one of the most beautiful villages in Campania. Everyone knows Caserta, one of the largest provinces in the Campania region, famous for its history and its main monument the Reggia di Caserta’, one of the most important monuments on the planet. 

However, when speaking of Caserta, one cannot fail to mention Casertavecchia, a village that not everyone knows about that deserves the right titles and recognition. Perched on the slopes of the Tifatini mountains, this ancient town offers visitors a journey through time, among narrow alleys, noble palaces and ancient churches. Walking through its narrow streets is magical, it feels like being in a film or going back in time to the Middle Ages, everything is the same, everything is still, there is silence, there is respect. 

The origins of Casertavecchia are lost in the mists of time. It is thought that the village arose in the 8th century, when the Lombards, attracted by its strategic position, built an initial settlement there. Over the centuries, Casertavecchia has undergone the dominations of various populations, each of which has left its mark on the village's identity.

From the top of the hamlet there is a spectacular view of the valley below and the surrounding mountains, the entire city of Caserta can be seen and even the royal palace in the distance with the mountains closing the horizon. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, Casertavecchia is an ideal place to relax and enjoy nature. There are many restaurants where you can have lunch or dinner eating traditional Campania dishes. Being in the mountains, Casertavecchia has a very favourable climate, cool in summer and very cold in winter, so it is always a good idea to wear suitable clothes.

Find out more about the Royal Palace of Caserta: how to visit it

3. Atrani: the smallest municipality in Italy

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Atrani

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Atrani

Atrani, the smallest municipality in Italy, is a real jewel set and hidden on the Amalfi Coast. This medieval village, with its colourful houses leaning against each other, narrow alleys and small squares, offers a unique and evocative atmosphere. It has been the stage for numerous films, even major Hollywood movies, which have seen in Atrani that now-lost magic of the naturalness and spontaneity of a people and a place that escapes and dictates its own time!

Certainly if you are in Atrani, it is worth visiting the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, a jewel of Romanesque architecture, with a beautiful portal and an interior rich in frescoes. A small pebbly beach, ideal for relaxing and enjoying the crystal-clear sea, and finally The historical centre, a labyrinth of narrow alleys and colourful houses, where you can breathe in an atmosphere of times gone by.

Being the smallest municipality in Italy, Atrani offers an intimate and quiet atmosphere, allowing tourists to visit in a day without any hassle. Moreover, because of its location, Atrani is an excellent starting point for exploring the entire Amalfi Coast.

2. The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Ravello, one of the jewels of the Amalfi Coast

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Ravello, one of the jewels of the Amalfi Coast

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: Ravello, one of the jewels of the Amalfi Coast

Incastonato tra i panorami e le montagne della Costiera Amalfitana si trova uno dei borghi più belli della Campania: Ravello. Un borgo che incanta a prima vista con le sue ville storiche, i giardini lussureggianti e le viste mozzafiato sul mare, questo gioiello della Campania ha ispirato poeti, musicisti e viaggiatori da tutto il mondo.

Passeggiando per le strette vie del centro storico, tra botteghe artigiane e palazzi nobiliari, si respira un'atmosfera unica, fatta di storia, arte e bellezze naturali.

Luoghi iconici come Villa Rufolo e Villa Cimbrone , con le loro terrazze panoramiche, regalano viste indimenticabili sulla costa, scorci cinematografici e romantici, esperienze che non possono essere raccontate ma vanno vissute!

Ravello è più di un semplice borgo:è un'esperienza sensoriale che inebria i sensi e lascia un segno indelebile nel cuore di chi la visita.

Cosa vedere a Ravello:

Villa Rufolo e i suoi giardini: un capolavoro architettonico moresco con giardini terrazzati che offrono viste mozzafiato. È qui che si tiene il famoso Ravello Festival;

Villa Cimbrone: un'altra villa storica con giardini spettacolari, tra cui il famoso Belvedere dell'Infinito;

Cattedrale di Ravello: cattedrale romanica dal ricco patrimonio artistico.

Amalfi, Positano & Ravello: Boat Tour from Sorrento

1. Welcome to the South: the village of Castellabate

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: the village of Castellabate

The 10 most beautiful villages in Campania: the village of Castellabate

Having become famous in the eyes of many for the well-known film Benvenuti a Sud (Welcome to the South), the village of Castellabate has actually always been famous to the people of Campania and beyond for its beauty and beautiful sea. Considered one of the pearls of Cilento, Castellabate consists of the ancient mountaintop village, where the film Benvenuti al Sud was set, and Santa Maria di Castellabate, a beautiful area full of bathing establishments, restaurants and nightlife for the young.

Situated on the Cilento Coast, Castellabate is a scattered municipality whose historical centre is a true medieval village, full of narrow alleys, arches and ancient buildings. The abbot's castle, which dominates the town, is an unmistakable landmark and offers a spectacular view of the coast.

The historical centre of Castellabate is a must-see. Getting lost in the narrow streets of the old town is a unique experience. Don't miss the abbot's castle, the main square and the church of Santa Maria a Mare. Castellabate is famous for its beaches, including Pozzillo beach, Lago and Ogliastro Marina.

Castellabate is immersed in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, a protected area of great naturalistic value.

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