Cinecittà Shows Off

See sets of Ancient Rome and 15th-century Florence at Rome's famous film center

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🦽 Wheelchair accessible

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3.9 (93 reviews)


Visit Ancient Rome, the Temple of Jerusalem and Florence as it was in 1400, all in one day at Cinecittà Studios! Explore amazing sets and find out all about important Italian and international cinema productions across 19 indoor sound stages. A must for anyone into movies!

Get your tickets

What is included?

Access to the exhibition
Workshops, special events, and interactive events at Cinebimbicittà on Sundays

Not included

Some special activities with additional cost

Additional information

Cinecittà Bimbi:

Every Sunday at 10:00 Cinebimbicittà offers a wide variety of activities: workshops, special events, and interactive visits. These are included in your ticket. A few special activities have an additional cost.

- Reduced tickets (€7) available onsite for disabled visitors, free tickets for their carer at the box office
- Children under 5 get in for free

Important information

--Please note: The permanent set of Ancient Rome is not accessible due to works taking place in the studios--

Where it is

Cinecittà Studios, Via Tuscolana 1055