Food Museums: Culatello di Zibello Museum

Pig out on Parmese culinary culture at the Culatello Food Museum

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🦽 Wheelchair accessible

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5 (2 reviews)


Looking to experience the culinary culture of Parma? Unleash your inner foodie and go hog-wild with a visit to the Culatello di Zibello Museum, and discover the proud history and traditions behind the world's most melt-in-the-mouth cured meat, Culatello. Learn about the unique micro-climate of the region, the proud producers who've been keeping this delicious slice of Parma heritage alive for centuries, and opt to taste the end-product during a fascinating museum experience.

What is included?

Admission to the Culatello of Zibello Museum
Tasting (if add-on is selected)
Admission to the Antica Corte Pallavicina Relais (if add-on is selected)
Admission to all 7 Food Museums (if the Musei del Cibo Card is selected)
Discounts in restaurants (if the Musei del Cibo Card is selected)

Additional information

Food Museums:

- Culatello di Zibello Museum
- Felino Salami Museum: Strada al Castello 1, 43035 Felino
- Parma Ham Museum: Via Bocchialini 7, 43013 Langhirano
- Parmigiano Reggiano Museum: Via Volta 5, 43019 Soragna
- Pasta Museum: Ingresso in Strada Giarola 11, 43044 Collecchio
- Wine Museum: Piazza Gramsci, 43044 Sala Baganza
- Tomato Museum: Strada Giarola 11, 43044 Collecchio

Discounts (if the Musei del Cibo Card is selected):

- 10% at restaurant Corte di Giarola
- 10% at restaurant Museo del Prosciutto di Parma
- 10% at the Bottega of Museo del Prosciutto di Parma
- 10% on the Laboratori del Cibo workshops, organised by all the museums

- Children under 6 and disabled visitors (+ carer) get in for free, please select a free ticket for them
- The Musei del Cibo Card is valid for one year after purchase

Important information

- Choose the added Musei del Cibo Card for access to all seven food museums

Where it is

Culatello di Zibello Museum, Strada Palazzo due Torri, 3