Discovering "the places of Silence" in the Marca Fermana. A five-stage itinerary among the churches in the surroundings of Monte Giberto.
The Marca Fermana is a unique territory due to the variety of its landscapes and the wealth of villages and towns with ancient histories.
Each village has its own history, traditions and unique places, including many areas of devotion that tell the story of this territory besides being symbols of spirituality.
The green hills of Marca Fermana have always been a place of passage.
Over the centuries, several churches, abbeys, and monasteries have sprung up here, which are still places of reference for the faithful and the secular in search of areas of peace and tranquillity in nature.
In this itinerary, we travel in stages through the green hills of the Marca Fermana, discovering the history and artistic beauty of some churches or "places of silence" around Monte Giberto.
In the peace and tranquillity of these places, witnesses to the history of this territory, every traveller can look inside himself and cultivate his own spirituality.

An itinerary of the churches around Monte Giberto

This itinerary, full of history, spirituality and splendid views, is designed to be done by car in a day, in no hurry, with plenty of time to admire the religious buildings and surrounding landscapes.
On this journey to discover the places of faith in the hills surrounding Monte Giberto, we can find other ancient villages rich in historical and cultural attractions and with an evocative atmosphere.
Some stages are also doable from Monte Giberto, so trekking enthusiasts can divide the itinerary into several days and do some on foot.
Finally, the last stage will take us to the heart of the Monti Sibillini Park, to a Sanctuary of extraordinary beauty called "the little Lourdes of the Sibillini".
Are you ready to explore the surroundings of Monte Giberto?
First stop: the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie in Monte Giberto

Our itinerary starts in Monte Giberto, from a place of intense Marian devotion so dear to the people of Monte Giberto and the faithful of the neighbouring villages: the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie.
The sanctuary is located a few steps from the ancient medieval walls. It is the village's most prominent place of worship.
Its history is ancient and begins in medieval times when many small rural churches were in the Monte Giberto area.
The present church was built on one of these small churches. It preserves several valuable works of art, including paintings, frescoes, antique organs, and the venerated Statue of the Madonna and Child.
We owe this beautiful sanctuary to the devotion of the faithful who, over the years, subsidised the construction and maintenance of this building with many donations of precious objects.
Even today, Our Lady of Grace attracts many believers to her, especially on 8 September, the day dedicated to her feast.
Second stop: the Church of San Marco in Ponzano di Fermo
The church of San Marco is the second stop on our itinerary. This monumental church is 500 metres from Ponzano di Fermo, a small village a few kilometres from Monte Giberto.
The church, formerly called Santa Maria Mater Domini, is immersed in the green Marche countryside and stands between two hills.
Reaching it by car from Monte Giberto will be quick and easy, and those who love walking can take a nice walk of about 2.5 km from the centre of Monte Giberto.
This church dates back to the 12th century and was built on an earlier late imperial structure. It is an imposing Romanesque church, striking at first sight for its large quadrangular tower.
The interior is well-preserved and contains valuable artistic elements.
A Roman settlement once existed in this area, which explains the discovery of Roman materials inside the building, such as a Corinthian capital, a sarcophagus, and a funerary inscription.
Inside, we also find traces of paintings depicting St Mark, and on the triumphal arch, we can observe 12th-century frescoes depicting scenes from the Bible.
These frescoes are among the oldest paintings in the Marche region.
In 1805, the cardinal in charge transferred the parish from this church to the church of Santa Maria a Ponzano, and the church of San Marco remained abandoned for a century.
In 1966, it was reopened to the public and for worship, and today, it is used for cultural events, ceremonies, or village festivals.
In the last period, it underwent renovation following the earthquake in central Italy in 2016-17. It will soon be reopened and returned to visitors in all its beauty.
After admiring the art, history, and views of the Church of San Marco, we take our car, and in 10 minutes, we reach Petritoli.
Third stop: Sanctuary Madonna della Liberata in Petritoli

Painting - Sanctuary Madonna della Liberata - Petritoli - Ph. credit: Marco Egidi
The third stop on our itinerary is the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Liberata, located a few kilometres from the historic centre of Petritoli, on a hill surrounded by greenery.
This sanctuary is also only 5 km from Monte Giberto and can be reached on foot.
This church of early medieval origin has an ancient history, rich in vicissitudes linked to historical events and peoples that passed through this territory.
The present church was built on the remains of an ancient church that was part of a monastic settlement.
The original church, called Santa Maria in Liverano, was inside the small castle of Liverano, located on the hill where the present church stands.
Sources tell us that this castle was destroyed and that reconstruction work on the church began in 1527.
The church and hill also changed names in the early 1500s, which is linked to the wars between France, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire, which took place between 1494 and 1559.
The various armies involved in these wars passed through Petritoli's territory several times and attacked the village in search of food.
In 1528, the people of Petritoli managed to repel the attack of the French troops, which numbered more than 30,000 soldiers.
The event was considered a miracle thanks to the intervention of the Virgin, who saved the village.
Later, thanks to numerous donations from the faithful, the artist Giovanni Battista Morale from Fermo created a beautiful painting to thank Mary for the intervention.
After this event, the church was named after Our Lady of the Liberated.
The people of Petritoli also attribute to the Madonna the miracle of saving the village from the plague that had condemned many people, including many soldiers, at that time.
Giovanni Battista Morale's 1529 painting is still kept in the church today.
The main subject is the Madonna seated on a stone throne.
On Mary's knees, we see Jesus holding the Sanctuary of the Liberata in his hands, confirming the devotion of the population.
Also portrayed in the painting are St. Sebastian, protector of archers who symbolise those who fought to save Petritoli from the assault of the French army, and St. Roch, intercessor of the plague victims.
Over time, this shrine became a destination for believers asking for grace. In 1943, due to an earthquake, the church was severely damaged, and what remained was demolished and partly rebuilt.
Thanks to donations from the faithful, the new church was inaugurated in 1957, and the stones from the old sanctuary were used for the new bell tower.
For the occasion, celebrations were held with significant popular participation. On this occasion, the precious painting by Giovanni Battista Morale was repositioned on the altar.
After immersing ourselves in the history and landscapes of this ancient church, we resume our journey towards the village of Montottone.
Fourth stop: Madonna delle Grazie Church in Montottone
With a short drive of about 10 km, we reach the Church of Madonna delle Grazie, located 1 km from the historic centre of Montottone.
This church dates back to the end of the 15th century and is located on the main road connecting Fermo and Montottone.
The building's particular location is linked to the history and historical events that occurred between the castle of Montottone and the city of Fermo.
When, in 1459, Montottone passed definitively under the control of Fermo, a long period of wars came to an end. The population, as thanks for the newfound peace and in memory of the pact with Fermo, subsidised the construction of a chapel dedicated to the Madonna delle Grazie.
Over the centuries, this church was enlarged. It became a spiritual reference point for the local community and the surrounding villages.
Today, the Church of Madonna delle Grazie is a small Marian shrine that also welcomes San Rocco, San Sebastiano, and San Fabiano devotees.
We can admire a splendid 15th-century fresco depicting the Virgin Enthroned with Baby Jesus and a Choir of Musician Ang on the high altarels.
This work of great artistic value was created in the proportions of a life-size person and has a significant visual impact.
The fresco, attributed to the monk-artist Fra Marino Angeli, is another example of the profound devotion to the Madonna delle Grazie in the province of Fermo.
Fifth stop: An itinerary in the Marca Fermana: the Sanctuary Madonna dell'Ambro - Montefortino

Santuario Madonna dell'Ambro - Montefortino - Ph. credit: Santuario Madonna dell'Ambro fb page
Here, we are at the last stage of our itinerary. A 50-minute drive will take us to the foot of the Sibillini mountains, to the sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Ambro, the second most important sanctuary in the Marche region after Loreto.
This sanctuary is about an hour's drive from Monte Giberto. Because of its religious importance and the splendid landscape that surrounds it, it is also an ideal destination for a day trip.
It is located at an altitude of 658 metres in a setting of great beauty. Nestled between two mountains, it takes its name from the nearby Ambro Torrent.
Its origin is linked to the Virgin Mary's apparition to a deaf-mute little girl. The little girl, who was very devout and brought flowers to an image of the Virgin placed in the hollow of a beech tree, received the gift of speech in return for her devotion.
The first records of the Sanctuary date back to 1037 when the small church was run by local friars.
In 1602, the original small church was rebuilt, and later, the architect Venturi of Urbino began the construction of a new large church, incorporating the previous one.
Inside the sanctuary, we can admire the statue of Mary, carved in stone and seated on a throne with the baby Jesus on her knees above the altar.
The church is decorated with frescoes depicting Stories of the Virgin and biblical and pagan prophecies linked to the figure of the Madonna.
In these frescoes, one can see the presence of numerous Sibyls, real women or mythological Greek or Roman figures with prophetic virtues.
The subjects of these frescoes are fascinating because they witness how the sacred and the profane were continually intertwined in the past.
The Madonna dell'Ambro sanctuary shares features with the more famous French Sanctuary of Lourdes and is, therefore, nicknamed 'the little Lourdes of the Sibyllines'.
Both Sanctuaries are places where Marian apparitions occurred to a little girl, and both are located in the mountains and near a river.
The beauty of art and nature meet in this wide gorge between Mount Priora and Mount Castel Manardo, in a green expanse bordering the Ambro stream.
The enchanting landscape of this place creates a beautiful picture, and the beauty of nature uplifts the human spirit.
This itinerary allows us to explore some of the places of Silence around Monte Giberto, but in the Marca Fermana, we have innumerable religious buildings, including abbeys, sanctuaries, and churches, all waiting to be discovered.